Move from Proxmox to bare metal

I have a HA on proxmox virtual server but the data is being full and I need to reload snapshots.
I is probably due to my low knowledge on virtual servers and I now see I dont need the Proxmox and I like to use the NUC only for HA.
How do I move from Proxmox to bare metal?

I was thinking:
1 Update to latest version
2 create a backup
3 move the backup to other files system
4install latest HA on NUC
5 move the previous backup to HA
6 load the backup from Supervisor
I have the RfxTrx and a z-wave module on USB and I really need this to work as beforeā€¦
Thanks for input!
The problem I have is that ā€œlvs -aā€ om the proxmox datacenter gives me 100% use of %data and then I get these severe issues - I dont know whyā€¦

Noone that can share inputs on how to go from Proxmox VM to clean installation?

This should work

I think the method you outlined above would work just fine.

I would: take a snapshot/backup of the current HA. Iā€™d also be tempted to take a copy of all the important .yaml files using FTP/SAMBA and keep them saved locally just in case.
Remove Proxmox, install HA, restore from snapshot/backup.

Fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:

Iā€™m sure you could find ways to resolve this from within Proxmox. Iā€™m pretty certain you could just attach another drive, move the data for HA onto that drive. Or possibly just increase the size of the data volume from with Proxmox.

I would really like to increase the size of the data volume but I dont know how.

The picture indicates what the problem is - the ā€œData%ā€ can go to 100% and then I am stuck and have to reinitiate images.
Is this data size 143Gb already or how should I understand the figures?
Any suggestion is appreciated. The problem usually occurs when I reload a HA backup or something lika thatā€¦

From looking at the image you have posted, it looks like there are multiple volumes attached to VM-100. Are all of them being used?
There is potential some of these ā€˜couldā€™ be unused, especially if you have built/rebuilt the VM serval times.

The best way to check is by logging into the GUI via: https://the.ip.of.proxmox:8006
Head to that VM = 100, and look in both the Hardware and Options sections, at the bottom it will say ā€œunused diskā€ - you should be able to remove any unused disks from there.
Note: only remove if itā€™s marked as ā€œunused diskā€ and you are confident itā€™s no longer needed.

There are a few of what look to be snapshots of VM-100, you can validate this by looking in the ā€œbackups/snapshotā€ section of VM-100 via the GUI. If they are not needed, feel free to remove them. Personally, I backup to an external drive. So if the worst comes to the worst, I can recover the backup files.

The reason I mention this is it makes sense to free up anything that is not required, given the fact yours is 78% full.

If you wanted to increase the size of the data volume that is attached to HA, again, I would do this from within the Proxmox GUI.
Find your VM ID for HA, head to the hardware/options section, select the drive that stores the data, and at the top, it should say ā€œresize diskā€.

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Iā€™d suggest creating a new Home Assistant OS VM and restoring a HA backup.