I thought I might try it on an rPi 4B that I had lying around, so as to simplify the USB issues with Z-Wave.
I tried a full backup, and then a restore on the virgin new system (all I did was the basics of setting name, location, IP address, and my user).
The restore never came back, no access via the web.
I rebooted the rPi, it did come back, and had much of the config present, though HACS didn’t work at all (“Waiting for Home Assistant to finish startup”) and could not be started or stopped or anything, so all the associated integrations (e.g. Lutron) did not work. Also other integrations, NUT was missing, ESPHome would not start.
I have a feeling this is not the appropriate way to move between hardware, at least with dissimilar architecture.
I saw a bunch of old threads on the subject with various info, some with manual moves of folders, some with backup/restore of snapshots, but not a lot of discussion about any special cases.
I realize and expected to have to deal with zwave, as I would be switching devices, but how should I have done this to mvoe from a VM (HyperV based on Ubuntu) to a supported rPi install (from the HA site just downloaded and flashed)?
You could run ZwaveJS on pi and keep HA on hyper-v and connect through web socket…which is how it connects anyway…if Zwave was the issue
For your move it may be easiest to bring up a unconfigured/new install on pi the move folders(config and make sure you get .secrets). I’m never a fan of restore from backups in any system and prefer new installs with config moves and documented changes from new.
Well, was exploring options re the zwave, but more I am tired of seeing the “unsupported configuration” and knowing one day the project would probably stop working on my HyperV. Note I am not running the ha project VM, but a Ubuntu system running… I think it was docker, been a while… inside.
There’s an appeal to going vanilla and in a supported configuration.
I’m doing the restore again, going to wait a lot longer this time to see if the restore itself finishes. Maybe I just did not wait long enough.
Moving the files sounds pretty easy as well. I just don’t want to spend a couple days sorting out individual integration failures, like HACS.
Well, that is interesting – I did it again, and restored from the login screen (as opposed to setting up initially and going to supervisor). I also then just waited and waited and waited…
This time it came up more or less correct. Not the right IP address (easily fixed), NUT was missing, and something is still wrong with HACS but most of the stuff under HACS came up. Going to take a shot at moving zwave and see how it goes.
I tried this, the migration finished (apparently) and all the nodes came over as numeric devices, but none of the entities showed up. I am told however I did not wait long enough, it has to complete the interview as part of the migration. So I do not know if it would have worked, or not, as I rolled back and went with the zwavejs2mqtt project and put the usb on another computer, and just added all the entities from scratch. That keeps the zwave stick separate from home assistant, and I’ll keep using my vm.