On mobile it is extremely easy to hit “reset to demo template” and lose all progress on a template. It would be great if it could be moved further away from the template editor or allow the ability to hide it. Anything that gets it away from its current position.
I would give this 100 votes if it was possible. I’d be happy with either of your suggestions, even requiring confirmation would be better than the current set up…
I agree. Anything that prevents you from instantly deleting your work unintentionally lol.
Having just, accidentally, wiped my complex test template on a PC (never mind a mobile) I concur, and would like to additionally suggest a ‘save as’ option to save the current template test-bed to a text file and/or internal location. I had saved most of my work manually, but option to save (file / ‘test-bed’), option to clear, option to reset to example, option to reload from ‘test-bed’ (perhaps all with ‘are you sure?’).
I just created a PR that would introduce a confirmation dialog to prevent against the accidental data loss. That would then resolve this issue: Add "Clear" button to template editor + confirmation dialog by spacegaier · Pull Request #17020 · home-assistant/frontend · GitHub
Thank you!