Moved from CC2531 to Sonoff Dongle Plus, cannot pair a new devices

Recently, I have switched to Sonoff stick and somehow got it working without repairing my old devices.
Got good response and stability.
Today I have tried to pair some new devices and repair some old, few Ikea buttons, few Aqara single rocker wall switches with neutral, Aqara motion detector brand new from the box and not a single one got paired.
Sniffer catch broadcast during pairing process which state that: “Network report, PAN Identifier Conflict” for which I assume is the problem here.
What I`m doing wrong?

Which Integration are you using ?

Sorry I missed that.
Zigbee2mqtt, and firmware in coordinator is 20211217 type zStack3x0 if that is important.

I had something similar and changed the pan_id in the Configuration. This might effect your other devices ? Your serial port correct, because I had to change that too.

How many devices do you have?


Stop and restart the integration. Can you post screenshot or logs ?


When you say to stop and start integration ou mean Z2M?
If you do, here are logs from there:
options: [Array]
_definitionModelID: ‘lumi.ctrl_ln1.aq1’
from: {
state: ‘ON’,
power: 35.5,
consumption: 79.23,
energy: 79.23,
temperature: 25,
update: { state: ‘idle’ },
update_available: false
to: {
state: ‘ON’,
power: 35.5,
consumption: 79.23,
energy: 79.23,
temperature: 25,
update: { state: ‘idle’ },
update_available: false
reason: null,
update: { click: ‘’ }
State changed {
entity: Device {
zh: Device {
_events: [Object: null prototype] {},
_eventsCount: 0,
_maxListeners: undefined,
ID: 4,
_type: ‘Router’,
_ieeeAddr: ‘0x00158d0004235df1’,
_networkAddress: 40357,
_manufacturerID: 4447,
_endpoints: [Array],
_manufacturerName: ‘LUMI’,
_powerSource: ‘Mains (single phase)’,
_modelID: ‘lumi.ctrl_ln1.aq1’,
_applicationVersion: 1,
_stackVersion: 2,
_zclVersion: 1,
_hardwareVersion: 18,
_dateCode: ‘12-23-2021’,
_softwareBuildID: undefined,
_interviewCompleted: true,
_interviewing: false,
_skipDefaultResponse: false,
_skipTimeResponse: false,
meta: {},
_lastSeen: 1648067432776,
_defaultSendRequestWhen: ‘immediate’,
_linkquality: 91,
[Symbol(kCapture)]: true
_definition: {
zigbeeModel: [Array],
model: ‘QBKG11LM’,
vendor: ‘Xiaomi’,
description: ‘Aqara single key wired wall switch’,
fromZigbee: [Array],
exposes: [Array],
toZigbee: [Array],
endpoint: [Function: endpoint],
onEvent: [AsyncFunction: preventReset],
ota: [Object],
options: [Array]
_definitionModelID: ‘lumi.ctrl_ln1.aq1’
from: {
state: ‘OFF’,
power: 0,
consumption: 0,
energy: 0,
temperature: 25,
operation_mode_left: ‘control_left_relay’,
update: { state: ‘idle’ },
update_available: false
to: {
state: ‘OFF’,
power: 0,
consumption: 0,
energy: 0,
temperature: 25,
operation_mode_left: ‘control_left_relay’,
update: { state: ‘idle’ },
update_available: false
reason: null,
update: {
state: ‘OFF’,
power: 0,
consumption: 0,
energy: 0,
temperature: 25

Not sure if this is what you need, let me know if I failed with it.
Now I did not understand if you ask me or tell me that Im going to lose my paired devices.
Just to confirm, I have my all devices working at this moment and after upgrading to Sonoff.
Problem is that I cannot pair any new device, no metter which one. Looks like it is not about particular device, but (guess) because of the wrong PAN config, or something else, I dont know.
I have 35 devices paired at this moment, had 37, but for testing purposes I removed two wall switches from integration and tried to repair it again without success.
Serial port as you can see is ok and yes, I needed to change it too.

Ok, it looks like you will NOT need to re-pair your devices from what I see here

Switching from a CC2530 or CC2531 based adapter to a CC2538/CC2652/CC1352 based adapter does not require repairing (e.g. CC2531 -> CC2652)

You need only to follow the steps here

Let me know how you go and if you need any other info :+1:

So basically it says you need to…

If repairing is not required: copy the ieee address of the old adpter into the new one

Thank you for that.
Problem in this moment then is that I dont have my old adapter anymore (reflashed it for sniffer) and I missed to write IEEE address when it was in use. I mean, I didnt know that I need it at all.
Is there a way to retrieve somehow old address? I use this setup for a month almost.

:frowning_face: Not that I know of.

So your old 2531 you have flashed to act as a router and do you still have it ?

Maybe something you could try. Not guaranteed to work or tested.

Flash it to act as Coordinator again. Setup z2m again using the Port from the 2531. Get the ieee from the device. Put the Sonoff back in as the Coordinator and enter the ieee from the 2531.

Not sure if it will work :crossed_fingers:

Worst case scenario is you have to re-pair all your devices again. Which is where you are now.

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Got it.
Thank you very much for help!

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If you look at the Zigbee2Mqtt config files you will find the IEEE in there for the old co-ordinator. Look in the file /share/zigbee2mqtt/coordinator_backup.json and also under /share/zigbee2mqtt/database.db

If it changed, due to the recent stick change, then maybe it is saved in an old backup file.

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Hi Neal and thank you.
I found backup file as you said and it contain this:

“metadata”: {

"format": "zigpy/open-coordinator-backup",

"version": 1,

"source": "[email protected]",

"internal": {

  "date": "2022-03-22T20:10:03.944Z",

  "znpVersion": 1



“stack_specific”: {

"zstack": {

  "tclk_seed": "786fe253ba1dc830c3826c7869e44307"



“coordinator_ieee”: “00124b0018e87093”,

“pan_id”: “1a62”,

“extended_pan_id”: “00124b0018e87093”,

“nwk_update_id”: 0,

“security_level”: 5,

“channel”: 11,

“channel_mask”: [



“network_key”: {

"key": "01030507090b0d0f00020406080a0c0d",

"sequence_number": 0,

"frame_counter": 83327


“devices”: [


  "nwk_address": "8ed1",

  "ieee_address": "00158d00022b969c",

  "is_child": true,

  "link_key": {

    "key": "5f14477a69695607e4f9c951ba90dd30",

    "rx_counter": 0,

    "tx_counter": 0





Not sure if values are from old or new coordinator. I could not find database.db file and if its important, I access it through Studio Code Server editor. Not sure if it change something.
This is what I see there:


Are you looking under share/zigbee2mqtt ? You have to go up a level from config


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Got it from the native file editor.
Now, I made a screenshot from database.db, just headers of every line, I can post whole file or copy/paste containment of it if its necessary.

Looks like repairing is the only option?

@Neshco, interested to see how you are getting on with this ?

@BertrumUK made a valid point too regarding the backup file. Any luck ?

Do you have an old system backup perhaps that you could restore onto another system and get the old ieee of the device ?

Did you try flashing the Sniffer back as a Coordinator and try hopefully getting the same ieee that you could possibly use ?

Only if we could do this :wink:

Or you had to re-pair all your devices ? Don’t worry :smiley: happens sometimes. Could be worse…imagine you had over 100 of them :confused:

Take care my friend. Let us know how you go and what you ended doing :+1:

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I have already tried with backup with no luck. I have backup just 2 weeks old and it is not enough to reach old config, so nothing with it.
I haven`t tried to reflash sniffer, not sure if there is possibility to get very same address and because 30/40 devices is not that much of job, I decided to repair all one by one again.

Here I have question about it.
Is it enough to remove and reinstall Zigbee2mqtt addon or I need to do something in adition to start it all over again from scratch?
Guess no need to reinstall whole system or…?
I have hassos on bare metal NUC, idea was to avoid any problems and have dedicated machine just for that.
Also, now Im on channel 11 and I didnt noticed problems so far with that, but is there any reason to move that channel to 26 for example to avoid some future collisions with wifi?

Couldn’t wait, have limited free time to get this back in work.
I have removed Zigbee2mqtt addon, removed folder zigbee2mqtt, reinstalled it again, and still can’t pair any single device, both new from the box or to repair old ones.
When I try to pair, sniffer as before report “PAN identifier conflict”
What to do? Where to start?

Got it!
Changing channel to 25 and PAN to 6789 solved it.
Now Ill try repairing and see if everything is fine.

Any luck ?

Deleting zigbee.db file should get rid of most things. Also, using MQTT Explorer you can delete left-over information.

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