Moved from integrated Zwave to openzwave beta and getting lost

I had things up and running for a while on the Zwave integration and felt it incredibly confusing and lackluster. Learned that the new OpenZwave (beta) was the better solution for the future and decided to scrap my small 6 node setup to get ahead of the game.

My integration -> openzwave -> configuration page says:
“You have more than one OpenZWave instance running. Which instance would you like to manage?”

I finally got things connected so I can see my zwave devices in ozwadmin. (Profoundly better than the previous zwave integration mind you.) The guides make no mention of how to add the devices it sees into HA though. I see it’s MQTT via a lot of reading, but for some inane reason, Openzwave is making it’s own MQTT broker and not using my own that I setup to do Energy Bridge gathering via the advised MQTT integration. I can tell because I’m looking at the topics via a desktop client.

I’m just confused on how to hook it all together. I’m using the standard MQTT integration as advised by the guide but it seems to be not using it. Even so, once i see it’s dumping info into an MQTT broker, whats next?
I seriously put some time into this before posting. I hate people who don’t do their research, I’m just legit lost via the existing docs.

Did you also installed the mosquitto addon? The OZW addon uses that broker, you can not use your own.

Yep, I am using it. I’ve only used that broker.

I’ve spent two entire days on this for some weird reason.

From what I can tell OpenZWave uses it’s own built-in MQTT and bridges over to the HA MQTT (mosquitto) addon. The logs in both Moquitto add and in OpenZWave say clients are connecting, but end up dying due to socket errors.
Also, when I add the integration OpenZwave (beta) it’s always told me things aren’t setup right but I can’t see where to find out what it’s mad about.

For anybody who may end up here, I ended up scrapping my entire install and starting over. It worked first click once I did that. To this day I have no idea what I did wrong initially.