Moved Samba from Add-on to Ubuntu, cant access /config folder now

Recently switched from hassio on a Rpi to an Ubuntu/Docker install. Had samba working fine through the add-on But wanted to get network access to the 2nd hdd on the hassio host machine.
Followed this guide to get samba working:

Can access my second HDD on the machine now through samba. By sharing it through nautilis browser, but can’t see/edit any of the config folders/files in the root folder.

Tried editing the /etc/samba/smb.conf file like mentioned below, also a few other locations from other posts I found. Nothing works.

I’m guessing it’s a permissions issue, but I’m totally new to docker and still VERY green with linux.

Through the browser the path is admin:///root/snap/docker/common/hassio.

Are you running home assistant container or home assistant supervised?

I’m pretty sure container. It would have been from an install script. I installed it a few months just back testing it out while the RPI was still in action. Only recently switched a week or so ago.

In home assistant supervised the config directory is in /usr/share/hassio/homeassistant , but in home assistant container it totally depends on how you configured your container.