Moving away from Control4

I’m quite new to Home Assistant and would appreciate the knowledge and experience of anyone.

I currently have a Control 4 system (Controller, 4 Zone Matrix Amp, Tuner, 7" Touch pad, door locks, and a number of switches). I have had enough of the limitations and costs (even though my relative is a Control 4 dealer and I got everything at cost). I have already setup HA and have added some devices already (zigbee and zwave). I’m not a programmer, but I am a certified systems engineer, so I’m not green and can learn rather quickly.

I’d really like someone to point me in the right direction if I should keep the Tuner and Amp (I’ve seen some references from SmartishHome) that they can be used in Home Assistant directly without 3rd party integration (I will not use the Control4 Controller in any capacity). Should I keep the Tuner and Amp, or purchase new? I intend to stay out of the cloud and prefer to have a local tuner vs. internet radio.

Any guidance would be sincerely appreciated. Thanks.

Hey you get anywhere with this question? I also have control4 with entire house using C4 dimmers/switches/etc as well as tuner, media controller, etc. I want to keep the zigbee light dimmers and switches as it will be a huge pain to replace all of them - I have like 100 I think.

How do you like the HomeAssistant compared to C4? I just came across it today.

Home Assistant is 10x what C4 could ever be. I switched over only keeping the matrix amp and tuner (wrote scripts for HA to control them), but everything else was pulled out and sold. Everything (and I mean everything) was so much cheaper to buy and install myself using the open standards.

I would never go back to C4 (even if you paid me to install it). Everything (all parts) are usually around a 1/3 (or less) of what C4 costs. My system now is 5 times the size my C4 system was… I love Home Assistant.

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Thanks for the reply… what light dimmers / switches did you go with? Do you have a run down on your setup? I am ready to move away from C4…


Here are some of them from amazon…

My system is quite large with solar automation built in as well. Even built my own irrigation controller (arduino based mqtt) that handles 30+ zones and HA controls it (my wife is a master gardener).

Here’s the link to the C4 code to control the amp and tuner…

The only limit with HA is your mind. If you can think it, it can be done.

@warrior_dog where did you sell your C4 hardware? e-bay?
I am thinking of moving away as well, and would like to get as much as I can out of it.

Yep, sold everything on ebay… got about 1/2 what I paid for it (and more than enough to replace everything to zwave plus).