Moving Home Assistant server to new hardware?

I’m currently running home assistant on an AMD E-350 all in one mini pc, and I’ve run into a couple of hurdles because the E-350 doesn’t support some of the instruction sets that are needed for some of the add ons\integrations that I want to use. So I’m looking newer hardware.

Is this as simple as putting my existing SSD into another computer and re-booting, or is there more to it, or should I do a completely clean install and copy the configuration files over (and if so, which ones)?

I’m probably going to be moving to an Intel CPU with built in graphic.

If you are running a version that supports Supervisor (HAOS, Supervised)
Make a FULL backup of current (HA Backups are platform agnostic), install new platform appropriate to the gear, restore backup.
If you cant use the restore function (no Supervisor) then you’ll need to copy the Configuration folder and EVERYTHING under it including hidden and system files to the same plaace on the new box then reboot. after that install.

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No. Backup and reinstall on new hardware.