Moving on from Legacy API Password

So with the new webhook feature in 80.x for IFTTT I no longer need the legacy API Password (at least I dont think I do.)

So how do I “Turn it off”

I have the following in my configuration.yam’

  api_password: !secret http_password
  ssl_certificate: !secret ssl_certificate_path
  ssl_key: !secret ssl_certificate_key_path
  base_url: !secret base_ha_url

   - type: homeassistant
   - type: legacy_api_password

What should I comment out and eventually remove?


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Remove the auth_providers

So remove all of this

   - type: homeassistant
   - type: legacy_api_password

But leave the API_Password: ?

Just making sure

If you no longer need the api_password for anything, then you can delete that line too.

auth_providers should be removed as stated in release notes from a HA update

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Well, that was kind of my question, :slight_smile:

I believe the only thing I have that was using it was IFTTT and I web ahead and set up the webhooks today. Any reason that I should keep that in the config?

only if you have something that still relies on it. I think ios app relies on it. I don’t know what you have, so I couldn’t tell you…

Oh, thats good info. I do have the IOS app, I was able to sign on with a username/password, but maybe it has other things going on that require legacy_api. Thats the reason I was asking. Thanks for the useful information

I was too, only after I used the API password to connect for some reason.

For any others asking, I was able to disable all of the items above and the IOS app still works. Thanks for the info @flamingm0e

Edit: Actually I started getting authentication failure messages in the IOS app, it came up regardless, but annoying seeing auth failures all the time. So for now I’ll keep it enabled