Moving to a beefier Pi. Is it as easy as moving the SD card to the new pi?

Hello all,

Could I get some guidance on the subject. My hopes are not to lose anything or have to recreate anything.

I have ZigBee, zwave, and matter devices.

I am moving from a 2gb pi4 to an 8gb pi 4 as I was having crashing issues due to ram max out.-- happening on things I don’t do very often. Ie) using visual studio code, esphome device creation.

Could I get some guidance on this process? Do I just need to do a standard full backup and keep that file? Do I need to backup my ZigBee network? I don’t know of a way to back up the matter or zwave networks. Thank you all again!!

From Pi4 to Pi4 it is just moving the SDcard.

From one Pi model to another Pi model might be different.
Then it depends on what image the two Pi models use.
If it is the same, then it should be just moving the SDcard too.
If it is not the same image, then it will probably not work.

Also beware that the Pi will likely come with different Ethernet/WiFi MAC address, and may get a different IP address as a result depending on your network setup.

IIRC it’s also possible to set the MAC addresses in the rPi configuration file.

@WallyR @hramrach
This worked perfectly for internal connection but for some reason my connection through ddns is not working :frowning:
Would you guys have any idea on this?

Do you have a static IP set in your HA configuration or do you have it locked in the DHCP?

I do. I’m starting to mess with those a little bit more now in the google home app. I think it may have got confused so I changed the hostname within home assistant so I can be sure the nest router knows whats going.

Will report more in 2 min.

Thank you for the ideas. Lets see what happens when its booted back up.

Sorry. I have both. Locked in HA to static and dhcp in router.

That will still work as long as it is the same IP in both places and the locked one has the correct MAC address, which have changed with the hardware change.

@WallyR Yeah, its still not working external for some reason. The internal ip works, the homeassistant.local:8123 works but no external. Now I have static in home assistant but nothing in router dhcp settings with same result.

Check that your external IP is the same as the IP your external URL points to.

Do you use ddns? Could it be related to that with the pc change on the internal network, or it shouldn’t be?

I found my external ip but how can I can I check the part ou are talking about. I use dynu dns so I thought it changes automatically when you do it that way


So I went into dynu dns and everything is matching between ipv4 and ddns url.

Could this be nginx related?

Ok, I’m figuring some stuff out. Google has given mac address ending in c8:22 ip ending in 128 even though I have the static settings set in home assistant…

I have no idea why its doing this but I’m going to reboot the pi and see if it takes on the proper settings

Now that I’m looking deeper, I have 2 line items in google home router, one says homeassistant and the other says Home Assistant OS and they have 2 different ip addresses and 2 different mac addresses.

Is this normal?

No clue why this happened but somehow google had lost the port forward line item for external connection. I’m not sure if I freaked it out by just switching the sd card to a new mac address (new pi) or what but everything seems to be working now.

Thank you so much for helping me brain storm through all of that. Very much appreciated!!

It is a MAC address per network card.
If you had both WiFi and Ethernet connected, then one Pi will have 2 entries.
If you have only used Ethernet, then it is two different Pis. Probably one for the old and one for the new.

Ahh, I bet I had both turned on and just didn’t realize it. I need to turn the wifi off. I didn’t even know it would let you have both on.

Thank you for being so helpful!!