We are going to move to a new place in a couple of months. I’m beginning to wonder about moving my HA config most painlessly.
I don’t have that much hardware: a bunch of zwave radiator valves connected over ZwaveJS which get adjusted by HA from temperature sensors in the rooms. Then there are a bunch of zwave plugs for various machines.
The temp sensors are BLE piped to HA through two esp32 with esphome.
The other things are media players and a tv that might change physical location but the logic will be the same.
The issue is that the number of rooms and their location will be different so I will need to rename existing rooms and create new ones in HA and therefore the devices will get redistributed and to keep things clean I will need to rename the devices with their new locations.
In particular I am most concerned about the Zwave network: once I begin to remove the Valves from the radiators they will disconnect from the network. When I reconnect them, they will probably end up with different nodeIDs. Will they reappear as the same devices in HA or will I have to rewiwrite all my automations?
Any hints on how best to deaL with this?