Moving to proxmox

Sorry if I gave the impression HAOS should be installed as LXC. Only HA add-ons should run as LXCs. HAOS should always be installed as a VM.

I’m pretty puzzled on how you would run add-ons in LXC. Or do you mean the software behind add-ons, ran externally as LXC containers?

Add-ons is software which can be installed outside HA using several methods. One of them is as an LXC. Some publishers provide Docker only options, but the vast majority at a minimum support Debian and derivatives.

Frigate, Grafana, InfluxDB, MariaDB, Mosquitto, Node-RED, Zerotier are some examples of add-ons which can live outside HA.

Some add-ons benefit from living inside HA to get the full benefit, like Terminal, Zerotier, while most are better living outside HA. However, I understand the convenience for most who do not have the skill or the time to just do everything inside HA (e.g. MariaDB, InfluxDB, Grafana).

The person who initiated the post seemed to posses the skill, however, some initiated holly wars. How some can offer an opinion on something they have no experience with, is beyond me.

There is a semantic issue, here. Words are important so that everybody can have a common understanding.

HA add-ons are piece of software wrapped specifically to be run under HAOS or a HA Supervised installation.

They cannot run independently, i.e. under LXC or even under docker.

The underlying piece of software, so without the HA addon wrapping, can be installed in a number of different way, and in most case the authors do not have HA addons in mind. Nor do they have LXC, to be honest, while Docker is often supported (by the authors, once again. I’m sure you will find ways to install any software with LXC is various dedicated forums).

Living in a virtual world is your choice. The rest of us can live in the real world.

Heh? Is there something I wrote you don’t agree with?
I’m an IT professional. I live in the real world and I don’t care about what you think :wink:

Those precisions are for people reading those forums, not necessarily IT literate, whose first reaction to your statement will be “Oh, so I can run HA addons outside of HAOS / HA Supervised”.

To those: No, you can’t.

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Go for it. I moved to a beelink mini s12 pro (intel n100) a couple months ago, installed proxmox, have my unifi-controller, pi-holes and docker ‘server’ running in containers (saves massively on resources) and only HA and Jellyfin are running in a VM.
The only issue I have is wondering “why did I not do this earlier”. Backups, etc. are a dream and it is fast. (I come from a HA Blue). If you use the “Proxmox VE Helper Scripts” from tteck, setting up the containers and VM is dead simple whilst still having control. After making the backup on HA Blue, shutting it down, firing up the fresh VM under proxmox (gave the vm the same ip as the HA Blue), loading the backup in the new HA, I was up and running again well within 20 minutes or so. I was shocked how easy it was. :wink:

may i ask why did you put jellyfin in a full VM?

Hi. You may :-). I actually don’t remember. It may have had something to do with network setup (probably being able to access my NAS where all the media is stored). Top of my head (but correct me if I am wrong) it had to do with mounting a NFS share to a LXC. You could mount the NFS share to the proxmox host and then share that storage with the container, (again, top of my head), but that needed me to jump quite some hoops which I was not willing to do.

looks like I initiated a very hot topic with many valuable options from experts in the community thanks for all your valuable feedback …keep up HA as the best open source ever not just IOT

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Regardless of what you end up with, make sure you have good backups :slight_smile:

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Good point, but to me this was a great option

in this way i could avoid giving the LXC access to the nas network
to me this was another advantage :slight_smile:


I ended with

it is very helpful scripts and of course I have mix of LXC and VM

but for truenas I have to passthrough the sda sdab, any one using them same method for truenas? shall I go on with truenas under proxmox or install truenas scale ?


I have TrueNAS running in a VM on Proxmox with no issues. I just passed the entire physical drives to TrueNAS.

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What about this one

I can’t say whether managing a ZFS setup with Proxmox would be better/the same/worse. My use case was to get the pool shared over SMB to a Windows machine for storing media. I wanted an all-in-one solution that could handle both so I went with TrueNAS.

Since I’m new to this I will keep true as for now

But did you read his warning about SQLite corruption

For PLEX : do you use plex from truenas or from Proxmox ?

I run it in a Windows 10 VM. I already have an instance of Windows running to host some game servers and a few other things so I just run Plex there.

on second thought I will go ahead with zfs on proxmox

the above guide along this one will make it a lot easier especially im just starting

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