Moving zwave devices to new zstick


I have a working zwave network with a Aeotec ZStick v2 - and a few devices all from the same era.
I’ve just been given a Gen 5 stick, which has one working device from a similar era on.

What is the best process to remove the old era devices from the zstick2 over to the newer zstick 5?

Specifically, do i need to unpair the old devices in order to pair them with the new stick? They don’t seem to want to pair with the new zstick (in no authentication / encryption mode) no matter what i do.

I also had a previously unpaired sensor, that went straight onto the new stick without issue (which is making me think i have to unpair first)

Can i do this from within ZWaveJS? Do the sensors need to be need the zstick to recieve the unpair command or can it be done in-situ?

Any advice you can offer would be appreciated.

ZWave devices that are not ZWave plus MUST be unpaired before they will accept a new pairing.

ZWave Plus devices can be either Unpaired or factory reset before they will accept another pairing.

The unpairing can be achieved by activating your devices exclusion sequence ar the same time ANY ZWave controller (including your new one) is actively issuing an Exclusion command.

The instructions to set your device in exclusion or reset it if it’s a ZWave plus device should be in the devices manual and you should be able to find that online with a quick search using the devices exact model number.

You want it this way so bad actors can’t take over your devices.

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Can’t you pair new as secondary controller then remove primary?