MQTT Add On Configuration question ( Cloud MQTT and Owntracks )

Hi guys,

Having a bit of trouble with the Config for the MQTT set up. So i have two questions.

  1. In the mosquitto.conf file created what port is added at the end of the address?
  2. Do we forward port 1883 to the SSL port on CloudMQTT via my router?

The reason i ask is because any port combo or straight forwarding i do gets me the below error message. :confused:

1506563313: Connecting bridge cloudmqtt (
1506563372: Socket error on client local.hass, disconnecting.

You need to create a bridge file in your local mosquito pointing to your cloudmqtt instance.

There is a great post by @Lapatoc on this

@highfi13g If you haven’t already, you can follow Ben’s (@bruhautomation) video on setting this up. I followed his guide when starting out with CloudMQTT and it worked perfectly.

It is also very easy to adjust the settings he provides to work on a self-hosted MQTT broker so you don’t need to use the cloud.