MQTT Alarm Control Panel for Raspberry Pi and Android

Thanks mister! I’ve updated to 0.8.6 beta and will give this a try.

Also very happy to see night mode can be triggered by MQTT message now, great idea.

Are you using the built-in MQTT in hassio, or the mosquitto addon?

I was looking at this line of your initial log, it looks like there is no clientId, but maybe you redacted that yourself?

Did you set a username and/or password by chance?

I use the built-in MQTT from HA. I have updated my HA to v0.90.2 and testing the MQTT broker with the Alarm Panel, so far everything works as it should. Yeah, I decided to push more towards MQTT and hopefully will add a feature that sends a URL for the new stream video, so if there is an event on one of my cameras it pops ups a little preview. Just a thought…

Thanks, thanksmister,

I did not redact my clientID when I posted the logs. I do have a username and password set in Mosquitto MQTT and I’m using that username and password in the alarm panel MQTT settings.

I recently had issues with MQTT so I completely removed and reinstalled it. Could there be some kind of lingering setting that isn’t allowing the alarm panel to connect? I’m also using the same username and password for all my MQTT devices, is that an issue?

Sounds like your doing everything right and I’m puzzled as to why you are losing connection. Try installing the new version from Google Play or Github.

I got it to work, but have no idea how. I uninstalled the app, rebooted the tablet, rebooted HA, reinstalled the app from Play Store, re-entered the settings and it worked. I had tried that at least twice before. Not sure why it worked this time, but I’m not complaining.


Nott sure, could be a network issue with your tablet or it could be the new version I rolled out today. Thiough I hadn’t had any issues reported like your issue for the old version. I’m glad either way.


Thank you for your work.

I have a question, can you just have a code to arm / disarm the alarm?

Hello! First of all, I really appreciate this app, I’m enjoying it very much.

I’ve read the entire thread and I can’t find my issue, so here it goes:

When trying to configure HA ip (in my case the browser gets stucked in the HA icon and shows “initializing” along with a white screen. When I hit the refresh it shows briefly the blue strip in the top of the screen and then goes back to initializing…

I’m trying this from my elephone p9000 Android phone, connected to my local wifi.

Am I missing something very basic here? I might be doing something wrong in the user setting in the Hass setting perhaps?

Most likely cause is that the HA page contains a component or javascript that the web browser used internally by Android (not chrome, but what is used by your version of Android SDK) that cannot be rendered. You can test this by just loading a simple page such as The other issue may be it cannot login or get to the credentials screen, perhaps cached or other reason.

Thanks for your continued hard work. I’ve pretty much got it running just the way I (and the Wife) want!

  • Fire 8 Tablet (modifying custom-cards to use js instead of module seems to resolve that issue)
  • wall mount from
  • Tablet specific Lovelace UI for that tab
  • Fully Kiosk for Fire OS (white list Alexa and single app lock down of your app)
  • “Alexa show the front door” brings up Ring doorbell (i’d love to figure out how to send that on doorbell ding automatically via tasker or something - WIP)

One question on security - given your app uses a code but the HA mqtt_alarm does not - it would be possible to disarm_alarm via HA without any code. Wondered your thoughts on if that is a security issue or not. It would need my HA admin log in to access the developer options OR an MQTT message sent on my network to the mqtt_alarm (also pretty unlikely).

You can add a username and password to your HA, you can add a username and password to your MQTT broker, or you can add a code to your HA alarm control panel. The MQTT alarm panel does not require a code to change the alarm state, that is up to the HA developers to add this, but at this time your securint is the MQTT broker credentials.

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removed… I have gone back to basics and it is working now… Thanks!

Hello, is it possible to remove ARM Home from the screen please? I only need ARM away as it is going to be for my garage. Well remove 1 or the other, I guess it doesn’t matter which :slight_smile:

Thanks for this app… I am loving it.!

I’d like to use the phone as dashboard for a while when there is no motion detected.


  • Event “Motion detected”: Wake screen if sleeping, show alarm panel

  • Event “Motion not detected”: Switch to webview and show https://homeassistant.local

  • Timer 30 s: Enter sleep

The events and timer would be handled by Home Assistant, but my question is if there is an MQTT payload to switch between Alarm Panel and Webview?

Seems the app now always turns on full brightness, yikes…my eyes can’t handle that.

Has anyone seen any issues with the UI not changing over to night mode? I see the MQTT messages going across to my two different panel topics, but the UI doesn’t usually change (it does some nights and not others). I have noticed that opening the settings and then closing them seems to make the change apply…

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Can somebody help me with the MQTT to publish tts to my tablet? I got everything up an running, and mqtt is connected, but I just can’t get a TTS message to go over my mqtt broker to the tablet.

I’m first testing out TTS with mqtt.publish, but I think my setup is wrong, but I can’t figure out where i made the typo

topic: alarmpanel/command
payload: {"speak": "Hello!"}


Also, how would I implement this in an automation, to have the tablet say that the alarm is armed, after the arming?

Thanks a lot!

The same happens to me.