MQTT and 0.53.1

I just did a install of HASS using the AIO installer on a new raspberry pi 3, the version of HASS is showing up as 0.53.1

I’m having problems with the MQTT. HASS is able to send messages out but it’s not getting any (or it’s not doing anything with the messages it gets) … The automation don’t trigger, the GUI toggles don’t flip etc.

I’ve tested this against the embedded broker and Mosquitto, both do the same thing.
My other MQTT devices seem to work fine.

Any suggestions?

The first thing to do is check that the topic and payload being sent matches what is defined in your configuration.

mosquitto_sub -v -t "#"

will print out the topics and payload.

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Thanks that helped

HASS isn’t acknowledging the sent payloads from few different clients. And even when it does, it’s not triggering automatons and the switch component toggles only update with some of them. It’s not random, it behaves the same way each time.

My configuration worked with an older revision of HASS and one of the pubsub libs that’s failing is from the Arduino ESP project.

I made a few back ups image during the machine install, I’m going to restore an older one and see if works.

Sigh … I didn’t notice the new editors / notation system since I upgraded from a very old version HASS. I’m now wondering if that’s causing some of the problems.

Could be, can you post your code?

An example of my old code is

- alias: a_away_on
    - platform: mqtt
      topic: 'home/xxxxx'
      payload: '2000' 
    - service: input_boolean.turn_on
      entity_id: input_boolean.ib_away

I also tested a “wizard” generated one though the HASS gui. Niether worked.

I didn’t realize you already had a working version. In which case, you need to set up MQTT Logging to see what is happening.

Here’s how I fixed it, I just deleted all the auto generated HASS files (DB, emulated_hue_ids, etc.) cleared my device list on the Alexia app and ran the discover devices again.

I can recreate the problem consistently now and I could take a guess at why that fixes it but I’d rather not.

I’m kicking myself for this one, I should have realized that sooner.

Thanks for the help