Mqtt and mosquitto on docker config issues


i need an assistance to configure mqtt mosquitto based on docker as it seems that i followed an instruction video and it cannot be connected… on the portainer screen mosquitto stat is running and no logs issues, i am trying to figuer out what is wrong?

  1. on the mqtt “broker” configuration, is the ip should be the same as the ssh server ip? which is also Home assistance ip with :8123?
  2. i created a new user /person just for testing the mqtt, should i put these details? or the has login details?

attached screen image and bellow is the yaml text in the mosquitto config file:

persistence true
persistence_location /mosquitto/data/
log_dest file /mosquitto/log/mosquitto.log
listener 1883

## Authentication ##
#allow_anonymous false
#password_file /mosquitto/config/pasword.txt


I am using mqtt, but I am not good at yaml configuration.
I use the mqtt integration and that comes with then screen from your screenshot.
I use a windows machine as a broker (mosquitto). That has it’s own IP adress in my local network (for example
That IP adress is to be set in the broker-field.
Depending on how you configured mosquitto you need to give then username and password you configured there.

Good luck!!

Hi brinkgit,

Thank you for your reply, i tried to feed my ip and it gives the same result… i use linux ubunto and docker above that if that is relevant

No idea of the differences betweet the various HA sorts.
I use windows10 with and HA is running in vm virtual box.

But I guess the problem is finding the right ip-adress from mosquitto. Depending on how you configured it all, it might be the same ip as HA, but it’s also possible theat there is another IP. My virtual box has it’s own ip (which is also used by HA), where mosquitto is running on the windows machine with the ip of that machine, so both another ip.

You use portainer. No idea how that works. Sorry!

Can you post your docker setup for mosquitto? For example, maybe you have not made 1883 visible outside the container.