MQTT Auto-discovery - not adding to Entity register

When I connect a switch device that uses mqtt auto-discovery, the switch appears in a list of entities that can be selected when editing a card.

Because the device is not setting a device name, “MQTT Switch” is used for the name, and “switch.mqtt_switch” is shown as the ?? (is this entity_id ?)

I’d like to change the name , e.g. “Bedroom Lamp” by editing the entity in the entity registry, however, none of my mqtt auto-discovered devices appear in

You should change the name under http://ip:8123/config/customize

(ip = ip of your HA)

Yes, i’ll take a look at that.
There doesn’t seem to be a link to that page in the configuration page in Home Assistant. Maybe I missed it?

First click in the left sidebar on configuration, then choose customization.

Thanks. I had to do a bit more googling as there was no “customization” button on the left side bar. I had to turn on advanced mode for it to appear.