MQTT Batch device publish

Hi everyone !
I’ve decided to post since i can’t find an easy way to do what i want with MQTT Publishing :
Short Story:
Is there an easy, newbie and fast way to publish on MQTT the data from a whole device ?

Long Story
My home alarm is a jablotron and i use the great jablotron alarm Addons, which work great.
But my whole system isn’t entirely on H.A and i would like to " export " or “bridge” the data to another smart hub.
The perfect way to do it for me is surely to use Mqtt as a bridge, but i cannot find a proper or easy way to publish the data from a device to it…

Any advice are welcome ( the more detailed there are, the less newby i will look :wink: )

Thanks in advance

Hi there, can you give some more details like what is the type of data that you want to send. Is it json? best would be to share a sample data.

Again if you want to trying mqtt bridging with mosquito, please follow these steps.

  1. Create a folder mosquitto in /share folder. If you are not aware of share folder location, it is outside the config folder. If you are using samba it would be easy to access it.
  2. In this folder create a file mosquitto.conf
  3. Paste the following in that file. Please change the address, username and password. Also you can define what topics to bridge, just see the out and in samples.
connection bridge-01
address <mqtt_server_address>
remote_username <username>
remote_password <password>

topic stat/sample1/POWER1 out 0
topic stat/sample1/POWER1 in 0

topic tele/sample2/LWT out 0
topic tele/sample2/LWT in 0
  1. Go to mosquitto addon configuration and in customize section change as following.
active: true
folder: mosquitto
  1. Restart addon and now it should be bridged.

Hi, thanks for your answer.

I ended up using mqtt_statestream
since its quite easy to integers the device you need quickly. ;
But i have another question. concerning mqtt_statestream

How do you config multiple Topic ?
I Explain myself

here the config:

# Example filter to include specified domains and exclude specified entities
  base_topic: TOPIC_NUMBER1
      - alarm_control_panel
      - light
      - binary_sensor.*_occupancy
      - light.kitchen_light

I would like to create separate topic, but i’m not an HA guru, and the config is a bit tricky for me : Isn’t it possible to add a line like this ?

  base_topic: TOPIC_NUMBER1
      - alarm_control_panel
      - light
      - binary_sensor.*_occupancy
      - light.kitchen_light

  base_topic: TOPIC_NUMBER2
      - another domain
      - light
      - binary_my ass.*_occupancy

in this case, I would suggest you to use node red, it will be simpler.