MQTT binary_sensor always shows as Unknown

Hi, I’ve added new binary sensor via MQTT which worked fine, but I’m not able to set its status, it keeps showing status as Unknown. Could anyone take a look and suggest what might be wrong in my setup?

Here is the payload in MQTT topic homeassistant/binary_sensor/satel_zone_1/config:

    "device_class": "motion",
    "name": "Zone 1",
    "state_topic": "satel/zones/violation/state",
    "payload_on": true,
    "payload_off": false,
    "value_template": "{{ json_value[0] }}"

And here is the message in topic satel/zones/violation/state:


It’s value_json not json_value.

tried that, same result :confused:

Apologies, you may have missed my edit:

    "value_template": "{{ value_json[0] }}"

Tried changing type from binary_sensor to sensor and that works fine and shows correct status True/False

don’t understand why binary_sensor doesn’t work

oh my, I missed that. that was of course the problem. thank you so much!