I am connecting to home assistant instances through mqqt.
The first publisher has a binary_sensor motion detector which I would like to pass to the second.
base_topic: homeassistant
publish_attributes: false
publish_timestamps: false
- binary_sensor.door
Then I send a configuration message for the second raspberry pi so that it can auto discover the sensor.
{"name";"Door", "state_topic": "homeassistant/binary_sensor/door/state", "device_class": "motion"}
The problem is when the state of the binary_sensor changes, the first HASS’s mqqt stream sends an “on” state which does not trigger the second HASS. It needs an “ON” to trigger. I’ve verified this by sending the message manually. Is there a way to fix this or is this a bug with the mqtt_statestream component.
Thank you.