I have an electric smoker at my parents house and i am setting up a meat thermometer that i want to read and do automations with in both instances. Im going to use a NodeMCU together with an NTC thermistor (https://esphome.io/components/sensor/ntc.html) and publish the current temperature as an MQTT message so i get them to my own Home Assistant instance too via abridge connection. I could perhaps get the thermometer to connect directly to my MQTT broker too, but i want them to be able to read it if they are using the smoker without them having access to my HA. Ive bridged the two MQTT brokers in Home Assistant but i don’t know how to get the MQTT devices to show up on the other respective instances in Home Assistant. For now while i am testing and trying to get it to work i have some plugs flashed with Tasmota in both locations, but the bridge is not sending anything over. I can see that it makes a connection though when i check the logs in Home Assistant.
This is what i have in mosquitto.conf:
connection external-bridge
address ADDRESS:8883
topic # both 0
remote_username USERNAME
remote_password PASSWORD
bridge_cafile /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
bridge_insecure true
It connects but then i see no topics in either the brokers from the other one. I am probably doing something wrong but i can’t figure out what and the documentation wasn’t exactly light reading (https://mosquitto.org/man/mosquitto-conf-5.html). Please tell me what to change to get the information to pass over.