I’ve been using MQTT for a while but I don’t actually know how it works. I wanted to start using Frigate NVR with one of my ReoLink cameras, but I can’t get Frigate to properly communicate with MQTT. MQTT’s Config tab has this as the default:
No you dont need to add a new user. Since you havent specified any username and password, your home assistant user name and password becomes your default which you can also use with frigate. Just go to frigate.yml in config folder and add the following.
Socket error means the username or password is not correct. Double check those. if this persists please try adding a different user to mqtt addon configuration like this and use it with frigate.
1618522004: Socket error on client frigate, disconnecting.
Socket error is back. Though I just noticed, it looks like Frigate is rebooting on its own, and that lines up with when the socket error pops up in MQTT’s logs.
Since you’ve answered my initial question regarding adding a user properly, I’ll mark your last comment as the solution and create a new thread to figure out the Frigate rebooting problem. Thanks!