Mqtt - broker to hassio

rtl_433 gives data and send this to a broker in Hassio
the data can be seen with MQTTexplorer in rtl_433/pi
In hassio go to MQTT configure publish in rtl_433/pi and listen to #.
Ervery things arrives in json or orther format.
dahboard gives in sensor the various subjects.
// - name: oregonTemperature
state_topic: rtl_433/pi/temperature_C
value_template: “{{ value | float }}”
unit_of_measurement: " °C"
device_class: temperature
But there comes no DATA (unknown).
What is the final step to put the right data to the sensor.

I assume you are trying to read data from rtl_433?
The you have to subscribe to the topic, not publish to it.

Example of mine where I create a HA event entity

    - name: "Avantek bell door"
      state_topic: rtl_433/ha-addon/events
      device_class: "button"
      unique_id: rtl433_avantek_doorbell_door
        - "press"
      value_template: >
          {% if value_json.model == "Avantek" and value_json.count >= 3 and     value_json.code == 18956279 and value_json.button == 40193 %}
            "event_type": "press",
            "serial": "avantek_doorbell",
            "button": "door"
          {% endif %}

Thanks for answering
I think after you comment thah the reasen is something with mosquitto pub and sub .
But i cannot see my mistake is:

rtl_433 gives data and send this to a broker in Hassio
rtl_433 -F json -M utc | mosquitto_pub -t “rtl_433/pi” -h “” -p “1883” -u “mqtt_user” -P “mqtt_dow” –l

the data can be seen with MQTTexplorer in rtl_433/pi
{“time”: “2024-05-29 12:42:46”,“model”: “Prologue-TH”,“subtype”: 9,“id”: 60,“channel”: 2,“battery_ok”: 1,“temperature_C”: 21.6,“button”: 0}

In hassio go to MQTT configure publish in rtl_433/pi and listen to #.


  • name: oregonTemperature, state_topic: rtl_433/pi/temperature_C’ unique_id:oregon_temperature_C, value_template: “{{ value | float }}”
    unit_of_measurement: " °C",device_class: temperature

But there comes no DATA (unknown).
What is the final step to put the right data to the sensor.
Ervery things arrives in json or orther format.
dahboard gives in sensor the various subjects.

I hope that this extra data is an explitaion to solve my problem

Please format any yaml code you publish.

Your “value_template” should be {{ value_json.temperature_C | float }}


Bresser 5-in-1 / Bresser 6-in-1 --hass-- full context

- name: Bresser51 Temperature
  state_topic: rtl_433/pi/temperature_C
  unique_id: bresser51_temperature_C
  value_template: "{{ value | float }}"
  unit_of_measurement: " °C"
  device_class: temperature


