MQTT Button Automations issues

Hi Everyone, i hope you guys can help me.

I am using a Arduino Mega with Ethernet Shield and some buttons.
MQTT on it aswell.

When i click a button i publish this payload: “20-45” on topic: “buttons”

Its always the same payload, how can i automate that so when i click the button its changing states in home-assistant?

I know the different between pub and sub, but i cant get my head to think of a solution for this, can you guys help?


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Thanks VDRainer, but can i add to a switch or sensor?

Or will it only work in automations?

Its working in a automations, so that is really nice, thanks.

Meaby i will just stick to this.

You can also use the MQTT Binary Sensor if the payload is always the same.

Do you mean like this?:

  - platform: mqtt
name: "MQTT Binary Sensor1"
state_topic: "buttons"
payload_on: "20-44"

With the proper intentation

  - platform: mqtt
    name: "MQTT Binary Sensor1"
    state_topic: "buttons"
    payload_on: "20-44"

it should work.

Its change from off to on, but after next button press, its keep on the binary sensor.

And i dont have two payloads, one for on and one for off.

So that will not work.

For this there’s the off_delay option in the sensor.

(integer)(Optional)For sensors that only sends ‘On’ state updates, this variable sets a delay in seconds after which the sensor state will be updated back to ‘Off’.

Like this

  - platform: mqtt
name: "MQTT Binary Sensor1"
state_topic: "buttons"
payload_on: "20-44"
off_delay: "1"

Its not working, its keep the state on after 1 click on the button.

What about
off_delay: 1

(integer)(Optional)For sensors that only sends ‘On’ state updates

Does not work with this:

  - platform: mqtt
name: "MQTTBinarySensor1"
state_topic: "buttons"
payload_on: "20-44"
off_delay: 1

The state is off after i reboot the system, when i click the button, the state goes on and keeps on, not going back to off state.

Could you try meaby to see if its only me that have this issue?

  - platform: mqtt
    name: "MQTTBinarySensor1"
    state_topic: "home/tests/button1"
    payload_on: "20-44"
    off_delay: 1

Works for me.
Sensor goes to on, 1 second later to off.

Publish with:
mosquitto_pub -h <mqtt_broker> -t "home/tests/button1" -m "20-44"

Does not work for me, its keep the on state all the time.

Very odd.

I created a switch, and i make an automation that change that state of that switch, so i can automate with that switch.

But still odd its not working with the binary sensor.

off_delay was canceled :frowning:
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I dont use the latest version, so this should not be an issue.

if off_delay has been canceled in Nov 2018, is it still relevant to be in the documentation in Feb 2020?

Best regards