MQTT | can't receive state update

Hello to all members.
This is my configuration:

I have a MQTT light dimmer, it can be driven via mqtt with RAW messages. (NO JSON and so i didn’t make template). This is the configuration in Home Assistant:


  • platform: mqtt
    name: “luce.soggiorno”
    unique_id: “luce.soggiorno”
    brightness_state_topic: “/openHAB/out/Luce_Soggiorno/state”
    brightness_command_topic: “/openHAB/in/Light_Sausage/command”
    state_topic: “/openHAB/out/Light_Stay/state”
    command_topic: “/openHAB/in/Light_Stay_Light/command”
    on_command_type: brightness
    brightness_scale: “100”
    payload_on: “100”
    payload_off: “0”
    qos: 0
    optimistic: false
    retain: true

I can drive the dimmer, but if I command the dimmer from the physical button, the lovelance interface (light board), does not update the status, it remains off.
I can see the status update messages on the MQTT broker.
Can anyone help me?

Can you give an example what you see ?

Here you can see the topic “/openHAB/out/Luce_Soggiorno/state” after press the phisical button with value “34” that means 34%.

Before press the button the topic show value state 0.

But the card light in lovelance show the light off.