MQTT Climate convert true/false from predefined preset modes, how?


I have a created a Climate Entitie from a MQTT topic. I have added two preset modes That is the only thing in Climate, that can be freely defined if I understand the documentation correctly. My topic in the MQTT changes between true/false, true=High and false=Low .

I have defined the preset modes as “LOW” and “HIGH”, and it reads it just fine, but my issue is the command. When I press the “LOW” i wish to send the command “False”, when I press the “High” I wish to send the command “True”.

I have used this as documentaion: MQTT HVAC - Home Assistant , Templating - Home Assistant and a lot of reading on this forum and reddit, but I am really stuck. Clearly, I do not fully understand what I am reading.

Attached screenshot from .yaml:

Attached screenshot from MQTT Explorer:

Attached screenshot from Entitie:

Do someone have any advice?

Kind regaards