[MQTT] Climate topics for each mode

Hello everyone!
I’m working on a websocket to MQTT gateway and while implementing a HVAC controller I’ve found a non-returning point…
This controller has two modes: cool and heat. When selecting one of them, the gateway sends a message to the topic sensors/hvac/1/mode.

If WIN (which stands for winter) is sent, it uses the temperature set in the topic sensors/hvac/1/winter/temperature.

Viceversa if SUM (which stands for summer) is sent, it uses the temperature set in the topic sensors/hvac/1/summer/temperature.

At the time of writing, without an automation it’s kinda impossible to use the HVAC controller.
I’d like to have in the HVAC MQTT integration a configuration variable depending on the modes list such as:

  • modes: [“auto”, “off”, “cool”, “heat”, “dry”, “fan_only”]
  • temperature_command_topic_auto: sensors/hvac/1/auto/temperature
  • temperature_command_topic_cool: sensors/hvac/1/summer/temperature
  • temperature_command_topic_heat: sensors/hvac/1/winter/temperature
  • temperature_command_topic_dry: sensors/hvac/1/dry/temperature

In my case, since only cool and heat modes are available:

  • modes: [“cool”, “heat”]
  • temperature_command_topic_cool: sensors/hvac/1/summer/temperature
  • temperature_command_topic_heat: sensors/hvac/1/winter/temperature


Do you think is it feasable?

I initially thought “who cares, I can just ditch the modes and only use a single topic for temperature controlling” but this means:

  • no separate temperature controlling per-mode (summer or winter)
  • seems stupid but I have many things to remember each day and the temperature for each season is the last I’d remember
