MQTT configuration using CLI

I want to configure and test mosquitto broker using CLI. How can I get access to terminal e.g. to run something like “systemctl status mosquitto”?

Advanced SSH and Web terminal in the community add-on store.

But I doubt systemctl is available in HA OS.

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Well, there’s not going to be any such service. Add-ons are Docker containers (and you don’t get to play with the docker commands either).

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I figured out that in Home Assistant it is not possible to open terminal and configure MQTT. You can do something in the Terminal but you have to instal terminal first. Then you have to guess how to make simple “copy-paste” (shift-select, shift-right-clik and sift-insert). Then you have to RTFM to the end to see where to find config files and to find out that the documentation is somtimes wrong. To make everything work you have to do many things in differnent places in Home Assistant web interface.

Yup, HA OS is not for the tinkerers. Better use a docker install then