I’ve had several of these warning for a while now, but have been unable to locate where to solve it:
2021-06-03 08:26:45 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mqtt.cover] Using 'value_template' for 'position_topic' is deprecated and will be removed from Home Assistant in version 2021.6, please replace it with 'position_template'
Now that 2021.6 is here, need to figure this out. I cannot find the “value_template” it is complaining about. I did a search in my yaml files for “cover”:
Best I can tell these are auto-discovered by MQTT integration. I point MQTT integration in HA to my broker and it detected the connected defang cameras on the broker. The process created switch, camera and cover entities.
I still can’t find the cover entities in any yaml file I have control over to covert some value_template to a position_template. I can only find the entities in core.entity_registry but still nothing with a value_template there.
The auto discovery process is where this is occurring. Whatever is creating the discovery info in your mqtt server is what needs to be fixed. FYI this is not going to be home assistant or it’s configuration files
Think of it this way: home assistant is receiving messages from some outside source and it’s bitching at you about the messages it’s receiving. You should be looking at your cover, maybe it has a setup in its app for mqtt?
Not exactly the same message, as I haven’t moved to 2021.6 yet since my current warning becomes an error condition if I do. I’m making an assumption what I see now becomes what that person reports as it appeared with HA 2021.6 beta.
I had the same issue and it was due to outdated Zigbee2Mqtt add on. I have an Ikea blind running via the integration. I noticed I was running v1.18.1 and it was not showing a newer version was available even though github was up to V1.19.1-1. I checked my repository for the add on and it was different to the one on their site. SO I must have missed this switchover and others might have too.
For people using the “Defang” camera firmware (https://github.com/EliasKotlyar/Xiaomi-Dafang-Hacks) and covers for pan & tilt, appears latest firmware for the cams fixes the MQTT to HA auto-discovery. After upgrading all cameras I restarted HA and no longer getting the warning message.
Log into Camera WEB Admin page.
Click System Control > Update
Should have a notice about how many commits behind master you are
Click [ Update Firmware (STABLE) ] button
Wait for camera to reboot
Once all cameras are upgraded, restart HA to confirm warning message no longer appear in the log files.