hello everybody
I hope you have health as your relatives
i trie to create covers with mqtt discovery and automation.
my blinds have 3 positions. Open Stop Close
but when i want to create my automation i have this error (HA 0.108.3 /docker)
2020-04-13 23:07:46 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mqtt.cover] Payload is not supported (e.g. open, closed, opening, closing): STOP
2020-04-13 23:13:37 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mqtt.cover] Payload is not supported (e.g. open, closed, opening, closing): STOP
but the mqtt covers documentation say that payload_stop exist
can you help me please?
my automation (thanks rimram31)
Having the same problem with a Shelly 2.5 over MQTT. So it seems to be a general issue.
Probably an issue should be filed on Github? But this one confuses me a bit. Is the problem in our case probably somewhere else, too?! Everything is internal on MQTT-usage, I’d say?!
I also have the same issue, I see such a warning every 30 seconds in my log.
I am not yet able to figure out where it comes from. I even removed all custom_components and most of the config, but still this warning shows up every 30 seconds.
An update to my last post… Removing state_topic not only removed the warning, but the cover state didn’t report at all… not too surprisingly, I guess.
I’m unsure why the docs still say value_template is fine, but the release deprecated it. I needed both state_topic and value_template for it to work…
Wait, it actually says it’s only deprecated for position (not state):
MQTT cover value_template is deprecated to use for extracting position, support will be removed in Home Assistant Core 2021.6
I guess the thing that’s wrong is actually the VS Code error (or I’ve misunderstood it again)
When I had position_topic and position_template, I got: Payload 'open' is not numeric since my state is open/closed, not a numeric position.
Changing stopped to stop in state_stopped solved this for me
Also, changing closed to close in state_closed solves a similar entry in log about close when clicking “close” in HA’s shutter panel