Mqtt cover not recognized despite being in new format

Hi there,

with the help of this forum I had implemented my covers from fhem via mqtt to homeassistant.
Even though, the covers are already in the new format, they aren’t recognized by home-assistant.

the covers in question are defined by mqtt: !include_dir_merge_named mqtt/ in configuration.yaml the following definition in mqtt/fhem_rollos.yaml:

    - name: Fhem_Rollo_01
      unique_id: "fhemRollo01neu"
      state_topic: "fhem/Rollo_Nr_01/state"
      position_topic: "fhem/Rollo_Nr_01/pct"
      command_topic: "fhem/set/Rollo_Nr_01/state"
      set_position_topic: "fhem/set/Rollo_Nr_01/pct"
      <<: &FhemRolloAnker
        value_template: >-
          {%- if value == "open" -%}
          {%- elif value == "closed" -%}
          {%- elif value == "drive-up" -%}
          {%- elif value == "drive-down" -%}
          {%- else -%}
          {%- endif %}
        set_position_template: " {% if (position%10) > 5 %} {{ position - position%10 +10 }} {% else %}  {{position - position%10 }} {% endif %}"
        payload_available: "true"
        payload_not_available: "false"
        payload_open: "open"
        payload_close: "closed"
        payload_stop: "stop"
        position_open: 100
        position_closed: 0
        optimistic: false
        qos: 1    
    - name: Fhem_Rollo_02
      unique_id: "fhemRollo02"
      state_topic: "fhem/Rollo_Nr_02/state"
      position_topic: "fhem/Rollo_Nr_02/pct"
      command_topic: "fhem/set/Rollo_Nr_02/state"
      set_position_topic: "fhem/set/Rollo_Nr_02/pct"
      <<: *FhemRolloAnker

Strangely, these covers won’t work, while some covers defined as the following in mqtt/shelly_rollos.yaml will work:

    - name: DgRollo
      unique_id: "shelly_25_DgRollo"
      command_topic: "shellies/shellyswitch25-D8BFC01A2E91/roller/0/command" # rc, open, close and stop
      state_topic: "shellies/shellyswitch25-D8BFC01A2E91/roller/0" # open, close, stop
      position_topic: "shellies/shellyswitch25-D8BFC01A2E91/roller/0/pos"
      set_position_topic: "shellies/shellyswitch25-D8BFC01A2E91/roller/0/command/pos"
      #availability_topic: "shellies/shellyswitch25-D8BFC01A2E91/online"
      #json_attributes_topic: shellies/shellyswitch25-D8BFC01A2E91/info
      payload_available: "true"
      payload_not_available: "false"
      payload_open: "open"
      payload_close: "close"
      payload_stop: "stop"
      #state_opening: open
      #state_closing: close
      position_open: 100
      position_closed: 0
      optimistic: false
      qos: 1

Has anybody any clue, what’s going on?
I verified on the topics, because I can listen to them and set them via the configuration.
I’ve tried without the anchors but without any luck.
So I’m out of ideas and need your help :wink:

I’ve found the solution but I am unsure about the issue:
As stated I originally included my configuration via !include_dir_merge_named mqtt/ in the configuration.yaml.
This worked until the last update. Now it doesn’t anymore.
After restructuring I now include the code via mqtt: !include_dir_named mqtt/ where the file in question is now named as cover.yaml.
And just by that it works.
So is this behaviour expected? As it clearly worked until the update of 2022-09. Or did I encounter a bug?