I’m setting up the blinds and I’m trying to get the status correct. Using MQTT from the C-Bus system, so the blind control is pretty dumb, sending 255 for up, 0 for down and 5 to stop.
So, if I control the blind from C-Bus (the old way), the state of open and close reflect correctly in the cover control in HA. Pressing stop reflects in HA as open and only offers me the option to go down whereas I should be able to go either direction.
When controlling from HA, all works fine, although I’ve had to make some changes to the C-Bus script to feed the state back to HA so it knows what state the blinds are in.
How can I reflect the stopped state in HA and allow control to go either up or down, currently I can only go down.
Is there an easier way to reflect the state in HA rather than receiving the write topic and then sending back a read topic so it knows where it current is.
Although I use MQTT Covers a lot, I don’t have any experience using “stopped”. However looking at the code, HA does not appear to support a “stopped” state, only open, opening, closed, closing.
Looking at the docs, it seems to say that state_stopped is only used with covers that don’t report state_open or state_closed. Looking at the code for this, it seems that if you receive a state_stopped, then it will choose the state as open unless the cover’s state is closing in which case it will pick the state as closed.
I’m thinking that in your case, the best thing would be to remove the state_stopped from your yaml.
Thanks for the replies guys, but it still doesn’t make sense to me. I can see the change made with cover to open-stop-down-stop-up but what should I do if I want to go up, then stop because the sun is coming through, once the sun goes up far enough I can then open the shutter all the way.
As far as removing the stop from config, that means I won’t be able to stop the blind at all.