I trying to control my homematic covers via MQTT. Generally that works but I have some issues to find the right topic configuration for the MQTT cover.
Generally the covers are controlled by the payload “true” and “false” as strings. The state of the cover is “true” and “false” as boolean. Here is the payload I see under the state topic for that device:
{"val":true,"ts":1696910400466,"lc":1696910400466,"hm":{"ccu":"openhab.fire.fly","iface":"CUxD","device":"CUX0200001","deviceName":"Rolladen Wohnzimmer rechts","deviceType":"HM-LC-Bl1-FM","channel":"CUX0200001:1","channelName":"HM-LC-Bl1-FM CUX0200001:1","channelType":"SWITCH","channelIndex":1,"datapoint":"STATE","datapointName":"CUxD.CUX0200001:1.STATE","datapointType":"BOOL","datapointMin":false,"datapointMax":true,"datapointDefault":false,"datapointControl":"SWITCH.STATE","valuePrevious":false,"valueStable":true,"rooms":[],"functions":[],"ts":1696910400466,"tsPrevious":1696883288638,"lc":1696910400466,"change":true,"cache":false,"uncertain":false,"stable":true}}
My current configuration of the cover is nearly working but has two issues:
- I get millions of warnings like “Payload ‘True’ is not numeric”
- I cannot stop the cover moving → STOP is not working, I need to send the same value again and not “STOP”
Here is the configuration I am currently using:
- name: "_Rolladen Küche"
state_topic: "hm/status/HM-LC-Bl1-FM CUX0200003:1/STATE"
position_topic: "hm/status/HM-LC-Bl1-FM CUX0200003:1/STATE"
command_topic: "hm/set/CUX0200003:1/STATE"
configuration_url: "https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
manufacturer: "Homematic"
model: "HM-LC-Bl1-FM"
identifiers: "CUX0200003"
name: "Rolladen Küche"
via_device: "CCU"
object_id: "Rolladen Küche"
unique_id: "CUX0200003"
device_class: "shutter"
enabled_by_default: true
payload_close: "false"
payload_open: "true"
payload_stop: ""
state_closed: false
state_open: true
position_template: "{{ value_json.val }}"
value_template: "{{ value_json.val }}"
Does anyone have an idea how I can solve these two issues?