MQTT Desktop Notifier

Does anyone know of a desktop notifier for MQTT? Something that would sit unobtrusively in the systray and pop up a notification if something happens at home? Such as “Washing machine finished”

I’ve found mqn but I wasn’t at all sure how to install it or even if it was compatible with Windows 7.

I’ve found KR MQTT Notifier but that’s Win 10 only.

Then there’s this Node offering which just says “desktop” but surely it’s targeted at a particular platform? Probably Unix?

There’s also Desktop Notifier but it looks like you’d have to cobble together a notification chain…like run an MQTT client which in turn passes info to DesktopNotifier.

Am I over or under thinking this??!!


I wrote this for myself

Thanks - what platforms will it run on?

I run it on Kubuntu, but it should run wherever you can run Python. The biggest restriction may be the py-espeak-ng package.