MQTT device doesn't show up in HA


I added this watermeter to my setup and configured it to use MQTT.

With MQTT explorer I see that the topic and values are received by MQTT, but HA doesn’t create a new device for this.

Already tried different prefixes (empty (recommendation from Smart Gateways) and homeassistant), but this makes no difference.

I have added other MQTT devices before and that worked flawlessly and they are still working.

Checked that MQTT autodiscovery is enabled in HA and it is.

I am sure I am overlooking something, but can’t figure out what :frowning:

Any tips?



What happens if you manually create the object via yaml?

Not much to go on

What do you get in MQTT explorer ?

Not sure how to do that yet, but will look in to it.

No, very little unfortunately.

A new topic “watermeter” is visible, with a couple of sub-topics. Values are updated every minute.

Not near my PC. Will post a screenshot later tonight.

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This shows MQTT Explorer.


When checking the Mosquitto broker log in HA, there is a connection from the IP address of the watermeter.

2024-08-11 02:43:37: New connection from 192.168.x.x:56394 on port 1883.
2024-08-11 02:43:37: New client connected from 192.168.x.x:56394 as D0_EF_76_5C_BF_A8 (p2, c1, k15, u'mqtt').

But nothing after this.

MQTT devices do not automatically get added into HA when information is published to any random topic on your broker. MQTT discovery is a process where the device must publish specific configuration information to a special discovery topic which describes how HA should add the device. If the device itself doesn’t publish this HA-specific information, nothing will happen.

It looks like your device probably doesn’t know anything about HA’s MQTT discovery, and therefore you will have to manually add the MQTT device

I was figuring it would be something like this.

Weird the manual or FAQ of the device doesn’t mention anything about this, even though they mention support for HA.

I will contact them about this.


They do mention something about this.

With a package file. Will look at that tomorrow.

Erhm. The file I need to download is beyond a password-wall :frowning:

I will wait for their answer.

Got it!

Used this guide and yaml to add it to HA.

@mjanssen How did you implement the yaml file in HA?
I’m relatively new to HA, so sorry that i’m not getting it.
Edit: Got it, you put his yaml in your configuration file and save it.