MQTT Device tracker help needed

Hi all, I am trying to setup a device tracker using MQTT receiving events from an Almond+, I get the event payload as { “value”:“DynamicClientLeft” }, how can I use that value? The MQTT device tracker doesn’t seem to support value_template or any type of payload translation, so I’m at a bit of a loss. I see this previous thread: MQTT Device Tracker format but it doesn’t really answer my question, as all I want to do is update whether a device is ‘home’ or ‘not at home’, at this point I don’t care what the actual location is, other than in a relative sense. So I guess the question would be what should be in the payload to indicate ‘home’ and ‘away’?

You will most likely have to write a component for this specific use-case.

The MQTT Device Tracker reads a specified topic for a Location. I think that if you can set that topic to “Home” it would count as being home.

Yes, that is what I did as a workaround for now.