Mqtt devices from RF433 liligo32 keep generating new devices in HA

hello HA masters,

I have liligo32 acting as RF433 receiver, connected to my mqtt broker
this little device scans and receives not just my RF433 sensors but also my entire street and neighbour’s devices …

it auto generates in mqtt integration new devices, mostly w/o any data
i need to keep deleting / disabling them in HA - see picture 1 or it will fill up my HA database

I also delete their MQTT info in HA MQTT explorer,
but they keep coming up every few days
see picture 2

is there. a way for HA to not generate new devices unless i specifically create one for my sensors ?

or if at least can i generate some automation to delete devices periodically (lets say ill add a specific label to mine)

any help appreciated !

There are some controls of OMG in HA, some are about autodiscovery. Disable it. It worked for me.

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