I’ve been poking at this issue for about 48 hours and driving me crazy. I have a MQTT config entry topic setup and been trying get dimming to work with 0=off .5=50% and 1=100% (that’s the values the other system uses) but the brightness_scale doesn’t support floats (.01) which would have solved my issue real quick. Debating on PR for that and allowing floats? So then I saw some folks trying to get command on template to work. I get error extra keys not allowed @ data[‘command_on_template’] or on_command_type some times.
“brightness_scale”: “100”,“on_command_type”: “brightness”,“command_on_template”: “{{brightness * .01}}”
opened 02:04PM - 08 Oct 18 UTC
closed 08:46PM - 13 Oct 18 UTC
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MQTT light
**Description of problem:**
mqtt light ignores **"brightness_value_template"** setting and always sends the integer brightness value alone (I'm listening in on mqtt topic). I've tried multiple combination of templates and hard-coded values - seems like it's ignored completely.
**Problem-relevant `configuration.yaml` entries and (fill out even if it seems unimportant):**
- platform: mqtt
command_topic: "/ESP_Easy0/cmd"
#state_topic: "/ESP_Easy/r2/state"
#state_value_template: "{% if value == '1' %}gpio,5,1{% else %}gpio,5,0{% endif %}"
payload_on: "WemosMotorShieldCMD,0,Forward,20"
payload_off: "WemosMotorShieldCMD,0,Stop"
on_command_type: "brightness"
brightness_command_topic: "/ESP_Easy0/cmd"
#brightness_value_template: "{{ 'WemosMotorShieldCMD,0,Forward,' ~ value_json.brightness }}"
brightness_value_template: '{{"5"}}'
**Traceback (if applicable):**
no exceptions or errors I could find
**Additional information:**
Apologies I thought I was clear. Looking for HA to send a value between 0-99 which represents off to on in percentage. It seems on further testing HA is indeed sending a dimmer value for my configuration. When I dim my kitchen light to 52% sure enough mqtt reflects the correct value. However 1 second later I seem to get a 99 sent over mqtt. If I use node-red to send a dimmer value, this works perfectly. Seems HA is sending “99” for “on” right after it sends the dimmer value.
2/3/2019, 8…
Sigh, It appears that key (command_on_template ) isn’t supported for json? I don’t see it in the light schema basic file. Is there a reason this wouldn’t be in MQTT vs config yaml?
VALUES_ON_COMMAND_TYPE = ["first", "last", "brightness"]
vol.Optional(CONF_BRIGHTNESS_COMMAND_TOPIC): mqtt.valid_publish_topic,
): vol.All(vol.Coerce(int), vol.Range(min=1)),
vol.Optional(CONF_BRIGHTNESS_STATE_TOPIC): mqtt.valid_subscribe_topic,
vol.Optional(CONF_BRIGHTNESS_VALUE_TEMPLATE): cv.template,
vol.Optional(CONF_COLOR_TEMP_COMMAND_TEMPLATE): cv.template,
vol.Optional(CONF_COLOR_TEMP_COMMAND_TOPIC): mqtt.valid_publish_topic,
Is there a reason we don’t have command_on_template for JSON?