MQTT Dimming Lights issues

I’ve been poking at this issue for about 48 hours and driving me crazy. I have a MQTT config entry topic setup and been trying get dimming to work with 0=off .5=50% and 1=100% (that’s the values the other system uses) but the brightness_scale doesn’t support floats (.01) which would have solved my issue real quick. Debating on PR for that and allowing floats? So then I saw some folks trying to get command on template to work. I get error extra keys not allowed @ data[‘command_on_template’] or on_command_type some times.

“brightness_scale”: “100”,“on_command_type”: “brightness”,“command_on_template”: “{{brightness * .01}}”

Sigh, It appears that key (command_on_template) isn’t supported for json? I don’t see it in the light schema basic file. Is there a reason this wouldn’t be in MQTT vs config yaml?

Is there a reason we don’t have command_on_template for JSON?