Hi, I have a discovery config payload set up as described at: https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/mqtt/ the device is recognised however only 4 of the 8 sensors detailed within the payload are available.
Here is an example of 2 components within “cmps”: {}:
"weather-station_t": {
"value_template":"{{ value_json.readings.temperature}}",
"weather-station_l": {
"value_template":"{{ value_json.readings.luminance}}",
In this instance temperature would be recognised but not luminance. The only sensors which seem to be recognised are temperature, humidity, pressure and wind_speed. Wind speed itself is a funny one as I detail the unit of measurement as m/s and home assistant displays it as km/h. It doesn’t matter what order they are in; I’ve tried lol
I can listen to the config topic: homeassistant/device/weather-station/config and see a complete config payload so I believe all the data is getting through etc. I can also receive data from them via (topic) listening to them individually.
Any ideas as to why some of the sensors are not recognised? Are only some (common?) sensor types available to be recognised in this manner?
I am using Mosquitto broker on a fresh install as to avoid retained issues etc.
Any help would be much appreciated!