MQTT Discovery for datetime new entities


I’ve noticed the changelog for the 2023.6 patch and saw that new entities have been introduced: Date, Time, and Datetime. These entities are similar to the input datetime helper but are specifically designed for integrations.

I went ahead and updated my personal MQTT integration to include these new entities, but unfortunately, they don’t seem to be working. When I try to send the MQTT configuration, I receive the following response from Home Assistant:

Integration time is not supported

To provide some context, I’ve included the JSON that I sent to my test topic (homeassistant/time/testtimemqtt/config):
{"name":"Un texte","unique_id":"testtimemqtt","state_topic":"homeassistant/time/testtimemqtt/state","command_topic":"homeassistant/time/testtimemqtt/set","icon":"mdi:robot","qos":"1","availability":{"topic":"homeassistant/time/testtimemqtt/availability"},"device":{"configuration_url":"","identifiers":"testtimemqtt","manufacturer":"Wag'Home library","model":"Wag'Home Switch","sw_version":"0.1","name":"Un texte"},"retain":"false"}

I’m wondering if I made a mistake somewhere. Could you please let me know if there’s anything obvious that I missed or if you have any suggestions on how to resolve this issue?

Thank you for your assistance.

The new units may have been added to core, but have they also been added to the MQTT integration, HASS discovery, and even Tasmota discovery?

“These entities are similar to the input datetime helper but are specifically designed for integrations.”

So I understand that integrations are added too ;o
Maybe i’m wrong

I read that as “we’ve added features to core that an integration developer can choose to add in the future”.