MQTT discovery Help - Tasmota switches

Hi There,

I’m struggling to understand why my sonoff basic switches are not appearing in

I have a fresh install of the latest version of hassio. I have installed the mosquito addon and created a new user from within the hassio webUI to use for connecting to the broker. I have the latest version of tasmota running on my sonoff basic switches, which are all functioning correctly.

I have adjusted the mqtt settings on tasmota to the hassio user I created and restarted hassio expecting the switches to be auto discovered, but they aren’t :frowning:

I also setup the mqtt integration within the hassio WebUI and set it to auto discovery.

Am I missing something? do I need to adjust any other settings for the switched to be discovered?
I have read and re-read the guidance on the website, which is somewhat confusing.

I’d apprecaite it if someone could point me in the right direction? Thanks

In the Sonoff Console…
SetOption19 On
To enable discovery.

Great thanks, thats got it working, not have noticed that hasssio has created them as lights rather than switches. I assume that I need to use the customise.yaml to set them to switches??

Mine are created as switches. I don’t know why you are seeing them as lights.

I figured it out in the end from a Reddit post using SetOption 30 on or off changes them from either a light or a switch depending