MQTT discovery isnt working on not Homeassistant topic (Zigbee2mqtt)

I’m trying to get mqtt autodiscovery to work on the topic home instead of homeassistant. Home assistant is using mqtt on the home topic for mqtt statestream and other services are using same user/password to listen/send so it shouldn’t a permission issue.
I got a few manual configured mqtt sensors working in HA without issue (other than autodiscovery didn’t work). The reason autodiscovery would be nice to have is than I’m testing Zigbee2mqtt and it would be quite a task to manual configure all my lights and switches.
I got z2m working and one bulb paired. If I configure HA to autodiscover on the home topic and z2m to publish on home nothing is discovered. As soon I change both to the homeassistant topic to bulb is autodiscovered.
I tried specifying topic in configuration and removing anything and configurating everything in > intergrations > mqtt. If i listen to topic home/# in the mqtt integration I can messages, even from z2m when I turn the bulb on and off.

   discovery: true
   discovery_prefix: home

Z2M Configuration
Not sure of homeassistant_*_topic options. Tried them in the advanced sections without any luck.

  base_topic: home
  homeassistant_discovery_topic: home
  homeassistant_status_topic: home/status
  server: '!secret mqtt_url'
  user: '!secret mqtt_user'
  password: '!secret mqtt_pwd'
  client_id: z2m


Dont have homeassistant: True in Zigbee2mqtt configuration
Not sure yet on if below is needed:

  homeassistant_discovery_topic: home
  homeassistant_status_topic: home/status

And i needed in HA configuration.

  discovery: true
  discovery_prefix: home