MQTT DiscoveryStream integration

It will likely be just duplicating the services, I’ll work it through when I incorporate the PR

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Thx in advance

hey @RogTP , was testing my covers with some modified code
one question, for light i see the state displayed in json format
for switch i see it in raw format ? also for the code i added for covers i see it in raw?

why is that ?


i see you used fo light doimain, the json schema, but not for the switch domain, is there a reason for it?

    elif ent_domain == "light":
        del config["json_attr_t"]
        config["cmd_t"] = f"{mybase}set_light"
        config["schema"] = "json"

I don’t think this was my code, but I suspect that is because a switch is either on or off, whilst a light can set colours/etc

Ah ok, submitted a PR for covers , based on switch code… I tried local and it worked
I’m not a developer, but it’s a beginning :wink:
There is state open…

But not state opening… Also set cover position is not yet included, my covers don’t support those features

Hello All, Nice to see that Home assistant interraction over mqtt is going on !
I’ve just setup Discoverystream for my warmup heater.
since i get all my value state, i can’t succeed modifying heating modes or
Temp setpoint…
Do you know what kind of command i need to send ?
