I have multiple blinds connected to custom (esp32) device to tilt and open/close.
I’m using MQTT to communicate with the esp32 and everything work fine to get/set data (with node-red)!
Now I want to set limits for the motors. I’ve created helpers and add it to lovelace in sort of button.
I’ve connect the “buttons” to call service and select mqtt.publish .
At this time, i’m able to run a motor completely!
via custom topic : blinds/BLIND-001/state
but I want to run the orhers motors via other topic
thats why i’ve made the first input (slider) … to switch the motor that I want to control.
I’ve try with this yaml (i put only 1 button here)
type: button
icon: 'mdi:blinds'
action: call-service
service: mqtt.publish
payload: downTilt
topic: 'blinds/BLIND-00{{states("input_number.blindselector"}}/state'
entity: input_boolean.tilt_down
the payload is send to topic:
… in other words… the {{ … }} is treated litteraly and not compute the state of my input_number.blindselector
my questions is:
How can I concatenate string with variable in the current yaml?
thanks in advance (and sorry for my english)