Not sure if this helps you or gives you any ideas. I use the lovelace map card to display latest events in areas from the PulsePoint service. It works okay, I believe they have improved some of the map and geojson abilities in Home Assistant since I last touched this so there may be cleaner display option in HA now. My data for the map comes from a MQTT sensor that I create for each PulsePoint area of interest, the sensor value and attributes are just the latest event from Pulsepoint, so other than the sensor history there is no detritus. You can disable history in HA History for these sensors if you do not want to keep it. However, I found this history interesting when I did a little data analysis on 911 event locations, types and COVID spikes. My alerting function is done by a automation that calculates in the event is within a given radius of ‘key’ locations and then sends out a Pushover notification, shown below. I do most of the geo location work in the python docker app.
Good hunting!
# lovelace
- type: map
- entity: sensor.pulsepoint_sbco
- entity: sensor.pulsepoint_sbci
- entity: sensor.pulsepoint_mont
- entity: sensor.pulsepoint_carp
- entity: sensor.pulsepoint_vent
- entity: sensor.pulsepoint_sber
- entity: sensor.pulsepoint_sopa
- entity: sensor.pulsepoint_pasa
- entity: sensor.pulsepoint_redl
- entity: sensor.pulsepoint_esco
# mqtt sensor
# mqtt sensors
- name: 'PulsePoint SOPA'
unique_id: "pulsepoint-19195"
expire_after: 43200
state_topic: "pulsepoint/19195"
value_template: "{{ value_json.desc_short }}"
json_attributes_topic: "pulsepoint/19195"
# mqtt message from pulsepoint scrapper docker python application
"timestamp": "1721828894",
"time_local": "2024-07-24 06:48",
"id": "1907489404",
"agency_abbr": "SOPA",
"desc_short": "Medical Emergency",
"street_number": "unknown",
"common_place_name": "",
"latitude": "34.1118020000",
"longitude": "-118.1666070000",
"close_to_key_location": false,
"key_location": "{}",
"key_location_distances": "{\"SP01\": \"0.60\", \"SP02\": \"1.35\"}",
"equipment": "",
"agency_code": "19195",
"incident_code": "ME",
"desc_long": "All incidents of a medical nature."
# automation for 'close' events
- alias: PulsePoint Close Event South Pasadena Fire Department
platform: template
value_template: "{{ \n is_state_attr('sensor.pulsepoint_sopa', 'close_to_key_location',
true) }}\n"
service: notify.pushover
message: 'Close to : {{ state_attr(''sensor.pulsepoint_sopa'', ''key_location'')
}} {{ state_attr(''sensor.pulsepoint_sopa'', ''desc_short'') }} {{ state_attr(''sensor.pulsepoint_sopa'',
''address'') }}
url: comgooglemaps://?center={{ state_attr('sensor.pulsepoint_sopa', 'latitude')
}},{{ state_attr('sensor.pulsepoint_sopa', 'longitude') }}&zoom=18
priority: 0
sound: none
id: 60e986d5ac36418fb5fb2b397d7ad415
- alias: PulsePoint Close Event San Bernardino County Fire Department
platform: template
value_template: "{{ \n is_state_attr('sensor.pulsepoint_sber', 'close_to_key_location',
true) }}\n"
service: notify.pushover
message: 'Close to : {{ state_attr(''sensor.pulsepoint_sber'', ''key_location'')
}} {{ state_attr(''sensor.pulsepoint_sber'', ''desc_short'') }} {{ state_attr(''sensor.pulsepoint_sber'',
''address'') }}
url: comgooglemaps://?center={{ state_attr('sensor.pulsepoint_sber', 'latitude')
}},{{ state_attr('sensor.pulsepoint_sber', 'longitude') }}&zoom=18
priority: 0
sound: vibrate