I’m trying to make my doorbell smart. I got the bell signal tunneled to a Mosquitto-Server. I successfully started to use this information as a MQTT Binary Sensor, but this seems not to be the right approach for me, see my discussion here, as I manually have to reset the button. Not very elegant.
I searched a bit on the docs and I found the “MQTT Event” type: MQTT Event - Home Assistant The “MQTT Event” looks like the right approach, but I’m to inexperienced to implement it properly, I assume. While the button works, the event does not register anything.
Looks like from your previous discussion you don’t want to reset after the momentary button press. Not sure why you don’t think it’s elegant as it’s a good approach if it works.
Maybe you want to reclassify it as a device trigger instead? Follow guide, remote button press is the same type as your doorbell.
@tylas13 Thank you. This looks like the right device, but the docs say:
“MQTT device triggers are only supported through MQTT discovery, manual setup through configuration.yaml is not supported. The discovery topic needs to be: <discovery_prefix>/device_automation/[<node_id>/]<object_id>/config . Note that only one trigger may be defined per unique discovery topic. Also note that the combination of type and subtype should be unique for a device.”
I have no idea if (and how) the rtl_433 add-on is able to provide the MQTT topic in this specific form. Looks like I have a problem here.
Honestly, I do not understand why the MQTT Event is not working properly…
@Tobster77 At least some Honeywell doorbells are supported by the autodiscovery script. I know mine is and here’s what gets posted to the configuration topic. I don’t think yours is based on the “alert” subtopic.
If you post this to the MQTT broker by hand, you can modify it to match your doorbell.
In homeassistant/device_automation/Honeywell-ActivLink-Doorbell-789047/Honeywell-ActivLink-Doorbell-789047-Knock/config I have: