Mqtt eventstream - service not found


I’ve successfuly configured mqtt eventstream between my two Hasspbian isntances - components from slave instance load on master, master instance also shows proper state changes when I’m doing them on the slave instance. However, I am not able to change a state of device which is originally set on slave instance from master one. There is a notification from HA - “failed to run service”. On the Chrome dev tools - “service not found”. Does anyone have an idea how to change states/invoke actions from the “remote” instance (master in this case as the bluettoth device is a sensor on slave) via mqtt?

I found a workaround - set up a statestream between two instances and then publish state changes by mqtt command topics from master instance back to the slave. Finally, slave instance could listen on these topics and trigger some automations to update state based on recieved payload.

Drawback of this solution is a fact you need to setup everything manually, every command topic and corresponding automation script which updates state of your device.