Good afternoon!
I have an MQTT fan, the only control topic for is a percentage slider (0-100).
So it is assumed that when it is set to 0 - it is off, otherwise it’s on.
Im trying to configure, but encounter the following problem: Whilist the percentage slider operates correctly, I cannot make it to display on/off state correctly in HA, as well as control it with the On/Off switch (it should set percentage to 0 when switch turns off and to some preselected value - lets say 50, when switch turns on)
This is what I got so far:
- platform: mqtt
name: ""
command_topic: "/devices/varmannQ_5/controls/Fan Speed/on"
command_template: "{{ value }}"
percentage_command_topic: "/devices/varmannQ_5/controls/Fan Speed/on"
percentage_command_template: "{{ value }}"
state_topic: /devices/varmannQ_5/controls/Fan Speed/
state_value_template: >
{% if value | int(0) == 0 %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
What is wrong here. Please, help me with modifying it to work correctly
Thank you!