Mqtt from Indigo to Home Assistant

Totally Home Assistant and mqtt noob here, so please be patient.
My problem is that I dont get a mqtt binary sensor or switch to update the value in Home Assistant.
Since I am looking at transferring from another system (Indigo running on a mac) I am trying to get some states passed from that system to ease the transition. So I have a plugin running on Indigo that will publish device states over mqtt.

The topic that is published from indigo is as follows:
indigo/variables/{{variableId}}/update or indigo/devices/{{deviceId}}/update

And the payload uses this format:
{ ‘name’: {{name}}, ‘variableId’:{{variableId}}, ‘value’: {{value}} } or indigo/devices/{{deviceId}}/update

To me it looks like this is recieved when I go to developer tools and mqtt:

Message 3 received on indigo/variables/1085500151/update at 12:38 AM:
{ ‘name’: MQTT_Test, ‘variableId’:1085500151, ‘value’: ON }

Message 2 received on indigo/devices/85201170/update at 12:38 AM:
{‘name’: ‘MS - Humidity - Office’, ‘deviceId’:‘85201170’,‘model’: ‘Multi Sensor 6 (ZW100)’, ‘address’: ‘129’, ‘states’: { ‘sensorValue’: ‘33.0’, ‘sensorValue.ui’: ‘33%’ } }

Message 0 received on indigo/devices/1358686939/update at 12:38 AM:
{‘name’: ‘MS - Motion - Office’, ‘deviceId’:‘1358686939’,‘model’: ‘Multi Sensor 6 (ZW100)’, ‘address’: ‘129’, ‘states’: { ‘batteryLevel’: ‘100’, ‘batteryLevel.ui’: ‘100%’, ‘onOffState’: ‘False’ } }

I have tried to get this to work with some kind of device, but I am not able to do it.
The current config I have to try to get the switch working when I play with the variable is as follows:

MQTT Setup


  • platform: mqtt
    name: “Office Switch”
    state_topic: “indigo/variables/1085500151”
    command_topic: “indigo/variables/1085500151/value”
    payload_on: “ON”
    payload_off: “OFF”
    state_on: “ON”
    state_off: “OFF”
    optimistic: false
    qos: 0
    retain: true

Anyone that can help me out on this?

Anyone that has an idea?
Some help would be much appreciated.